Piosenki, których uczymy się w maju:

Help your mummy!

I help my mummy, I help every day.

I mop the floor. Now it`s your turn.

I help my mummy, I help every day.

I wash the dishes. Now it`s your turn.

I help my mummy, I help every day.

I water the plants. Now it`s your turn.

My Daddy.

My daddy is strong.

My daddy is brave.

When he sees a lion,

He knows how to behave.

My daddy is strong.

My daddy is brave.

When he sees a snake,

He knows how to behave.

My daddy is strong.

My daddy is brave.

When he sees a bear,

He knows how to behave.



every day- każdego dnia

mop the floor- myć podłogę

wash the dishes- myć naczynia

water the plants- podlewać rośliny

your turn- twoja kolej

strong- silny

brave- odważny

behave- zachowywać się