Temat miesiąca: Winter

tematy tygodni:

1 Winter weather   – It’ snowing, It’s cold, white, snowflake

3 Winter clothes – Mittens, hat, boots, coat,

 3 Let’s make a snowman- make, angel, snowman, an, angel, a snowball, snow,

4 It’s snowing

 Piosenki i wiersze:

It’s snowing, it’s snowing, it’s snowing heavily 3x

It’s cold, it’s clod

one . two, three

Winter is fun

Winter is fun

let’s make an angel 4x

Winter is fun

let’smake a snowball

Story 3

  1. Eddie : It’s cold. It’s snowing. I don’t have my winter clothes.
  2. Dziecko : Here you a, Eddie! A coat and boots. Eddie : oh thank you
  3. Dziecko: Here you are Eddie! A hat a mittens, Eddie: oh, thank yoy,
  4. Eddie: Now I can make a snowman. Now I can make an angel/ snowballs. I love winter

Nauka piosenki :

  1. I’ve lost my cat

I’ve los my cat…

I’m looking  for my cat..

Where is my cat…?

Meow, meow, meow, meow,

Oh! I can hear my cat!

My dog is over there!

  1. I’ve lost my mouse…

I’m looking for my mouse…

Where is my mouse..?

Squeak, Squeak, Squeak,

Oh! I can hear my mouse!

My mouse is over there!