Miesiąc Temat miesiąca Nr Temat tygodnia Słówka i zwroty Piosenki i wiersze
Luty Winter 1. Winter weather It’s snowing, It’s cold, white, snowflake It’s snowing, It’s snowing

It’s snowing heavily 3x

It’s cold, it’s cold




Winter is fun

Winter is fun

Let’s make a snowman4x

Winter is fun

Let’s make an angel 4x

Winter is fun

Let’s make a snowball

Story 3

Eddie: It’ cold. It’ snowing. I don’t have my winter clothes.

2. Dziecko: Here you are, Eddie! A coat and boots

Eddie: Oh, thank you

3Dziecko: Here you are Eddie! A hat and mittens

Eddie: Oh, thank you

4.Eddie: Now I can make a snowman. Now I can make an angel/snowballs. I love winter

2. Winter clothes Mittens, hat, boots, coat
3. Let’s make a snowman Make, angel, snowman, an angel, a snowball, snow
4. It’s snowing