Nauka słówek:

Mama- mother

Tata- father

krowa- cow

Świnia- pig

koń- horse

kura- chicken

pies- dog

kot- cat

farma- farm

– utrwalanie zwrotów w całodziennej zabawie: hello, good morning, good bye, bye, clean up, tide up toys, sit down, stand up, make a train, go to the toilet, wash hands, brush teeth, make a circle,

– Nauka wierszyka:


I love the spring. For every day
There’s something new That’s come to stay.
Another bud Another bird
Another blade The sun has stirred.

Ciąg dalszy nauki piosenki:

” Mumy, Daddy” na melodie Panie Janie.

Mumy, daddy /2x

How are you? /2x

Everybody  love you / 2x

Stay with us/ 2x

Cozienna zabawa piosenkami i filmikami z programu Woow – the yellow book